When all else fails - share random thoughts
In today's edition of Burke's Bits:
Inflation or Behavior Modification?
Marketing Tip
From the Research Files
Pun of the Day
Inflation? Or Is It Behavior Modification through Taxes?
I just learned that a carton of cigarettes now costs over $100. That's over $10 a pack.
I stopped smoking in 2000 when a pack cost $2 and I thought it was outrageously expensive.
Are cigarettes so valuable they're worth $10/pack?
No. There are a few things happening here.
First, there is inflation. The value of the dollar has gone down so the price of products has gone up.
Second, federal and state taxes on cigarettes have increased in an attempt to slow the rate of new smokers.
Third, addiction to nicotine compels the smoker to purchase again and again, regardless of the price.
Marketing Tip
Humor Sells
Consumers are looking for humor but brands aren’t delivering, survey says.
91% of people globally prefer brands to be funny, yet 95% of business leaders fear using humor in consumer interactions.
“The Happiness Report” found that 90% of people are more likely to remember ads that are funny and 72% of people would choose a humorous brand over the competition.
Despite this, only 20% of brands report using humor in offline ads and 18% report using the tactic in online ads.
Can you add some funny to your marketing?
From the Research Files
aka random bits of info you may or may not be able to use in your life
The name “Twinkies” for the sponge-cake food was thought up by James Dewar, the Vice President of Continental Bakeries who sold under the Hostess brand. On the way to a marketing meeting, he saw a billboard advertising “Twinkle-Toes Shoes”, and thought up the name “Twinkies”.
Pun of the Day
Did you hear about the restaurant on the moon?
I heard the food was good, but it had no atmosphere.
With Gratitude,
Charlene Burke
Let's Connect
“A day without laughter is a day wasted.” ~ Charlie Chaplin