What Does It Mean To Listen to Understand?
In today's edition of Burke's Bits:
Listen to Understand
Social Selling Tip
From the Research Files
Pun of the Day
What does it mean to Listen to Understand?
It means that while I am listening to someone speak, I am intentionally looking for moments of similarities...
I am actively seeking to find an experience of my own that I can relate to what they are saying.
It means I am asking questions to get more information or to have them say it another way.
I am repeating what I heard back to them, in my own words, and asking if I heard what they said correctly...
If they say I didn't hear it correctly, I ask them to please say it differently.
If they are unable to reframe their narrative, to explain it another way, to be patient as I am showing that I want to understand...
I interpret that to mean they don't really want me to understand - they only want to speak.
That is when I simply listen, nod, allow them their space to talk, and when they are finished I walk away. Because my need to understand doesn't match their need to be understood.
Understanding requires that one be a speaker, one be a listener. The roles change as the communication occurs. If one isn't willing to play both roles, understanding cannot occur.
Social Selling Tip
Make sure your social media profile has a great headshot of you smiling into the camera. If you have a specific offer it needs to be clear in the description and possibly the banner - this depends on the platform. Fill in the spaces for your contact info, website, and other profiles completely.
Make it easy for people to know who you are, what you do, what you offer, and how to contact you.
From the Research Files
aka random bits of info you may or may not be able to use in your life
Cyanide poisoning works by not allowing the body to use oxygen. So the blood remains oxygenated after it passes through your body and back to the lungs. Thus, it causes the body to suffocate, even though the lungs are working properly.
Pun of the Day
A chicken crossing the road is poultry in motion.
With Gratitude,
Charlene Burke
Let's Connect
“We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.” ~ Epictetus