In today’s edition of Burke’s Bits:
Affirmations Are Cool
A Marketing Tip
From the Research Files
Pun of the Day
Ever thought you'd like to do a reset? You know, just hit the reset button on Life. Not cancel anything. Not ask for a do-over. Just ... stop ... and reset.
I've done it a few times in my life - and did so with specific intention to let go and move forward.
See, I'm not talking about pivoting or taking a new direction or path. I'm talking about staying on the same path with the same goal...simply doing a reset because things got complicated. If you're a service provider you know it as scope creep. If you're a business owner you know it as calendar or productivity bloat. If you're a person who dislikes routine you know it as "oooh...a new project!"
The point is - I know I'm on the right track, headed in the right direction, and distracted by fun yet hindering thoughts, projects, and work.
Having been through this a few times, I must first say I'm thankful to have caught it. I know people who've been stuck in this spot for too many years. Me? It's been about 6 months.
So if you're like me, if your direction is solid but the baggage you're carrying is too much and you're ready to let go...
One of the many things you can do to help you let go is Affirmations.
Stop shaking your head! They're not silly sayings that have little meaning. They're very effective for reminding me (and you) each day what to focus our attention on.
Why Affirmations Are the Bees' Knees
Think of affirmations as your personal cheerleaders. Whether you see them as decked out in sparkles...armed with megaphones...they're belting out the good vibes. These snappy little statements are like warm hugs for your psyche. They're designed to lift you, fill you with joy, and spark that inner glow of optimism, motivation, and all-around positivity. They're versatile, too, perfect for those moments when you're gearing up to make some positive life edits. LIKE NOW! LOL
How to Work Those Affirmations
Want to know how to actually use these personal cheerleaders? How to weave them into your daily life so you can affirm that reset?
Jot one down in your journal each morning – Since life loves to keep us on our toes, a fresh dose of inspiration and focus can be just the ticket. Scribble down a new affirmation with your morning coffee. Let it be your mantra for the day.
Stick 'em where you can't ignore 'em – If out of sight means out of mind, then plaster those affirmations where they're always in the spotlight. Your bathroom mirror, your fridge, your laptop, your calendar, your whiteboard...anywhere your eyes wander regularly. Make it a ritual to recite them out loud every time you see them. Won't be long and your space will transform into a supportive echo chamber.
Carry them as your secret weapon – Arm yourself with a few go-to affirmations that never fail to boost your spirits. Whenever you're feeling a bit wobbly, whip them out and declare them out loud with gusto. It's like having a pep talk in your pocket.
Picking Your Personal Pep Talks
Before you get started, you've got to curate your collection of affirmations. I had to do a bit of searching to find those that supported my current goals. That's right, my old ones simply weren't working anymore because they were focused on different goals :) What's important is that they be short and snappy, easy to remember, and brimming with positivity.
Here are a few of mine:
I am committed to my goal of MY GOAL.
I am responsible for my success.
I am filled with focus.
I am enough as I accept help from others.
Here are a few to get you started:
I'm a magnet for love and kindness.
Bold and brave, that's my jam.
Nothing's out of reach when I'm in the driver's seat.
I'm the master of my finances and my joy.
Happiness? Yeah, I've got the keys to that ride.
So there you have it. It's simple really. You can turn affirmations into your secret weapon to staying on track or getting back on track.
A Marketing Tip
Ever see a promo that compares the cost of a membership to the cost of a cup of coffee?
It's because it's effective.
The last thing you want to show is a straightforward apples-to-apples comparison. Because you want to create your own unfair advantage.
Consider these comparisons:
Cost of a software package vs. x-hours' of an accountant's or lawyer's time
Cost of a series of videos or online summit vs. a seminar, travel to get there, time away from the business
Cost of a monthly nutrition program vs cost of a cup of coffee and doughnut each day.
See how they show the value of the offer? The minute you introduce an apples-to-apples comparison (software to software, virtual summit to online conference, etc.) you encourage your prospect to ask more questions. You don't want to do that.
From the Research Files
aka random bits of info you may or may not be able to use in your life
Martha Mitchell: The Woman Who Knew Too Much About Watergate
Martha Mitchell, outspoken wife of John Mitchell, President Richard Nixon's attorney general, was a prominent and polarizing figure in American politics during the early 1970s.
Known for her unfiltered comments on political matters, her life took a dramatic turn following the Watergate break-in, leading to her being forcibly sedated and isolated by Nixon's inner circle to prevent her from exposing their involvement.
Despite the smear campaign against her, labeling her as mentally unstable and an alcoholic, Martha's insights into the Watergate scandal proved accurate, highlighting the misogyny of the era and her eventual vindication as a whistleblower rather than just a political sideshow.
You can read all the details here:
Pun of the Day
Why did the sprinter douse himself in water before the race? He wanted to make a “splash” on the track!
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With Gratitude,
Charlene Burke
PS Yes I did renew that membership! With Titans Xcelerator Mastermind. It’s a group owned and led by Brian Kurtz, former Executive Vice President of Boardroom Inc. and Founder of Titans Marketing - a direct marketing education company. For nearly 40 years, he’s been fortunate to know and work with some of the greatest direct response marketers who ever lived. And he shares that knowledge with the business owners and copywriters in the mastermind.
It’s an affordable (incredibly affordable considering the value I get every week I’m on a call with him and the experts he brings in to share with us)…option for business owners and copywriters who are struggling to grow.
If you’re new to business - you need to be surrounded by business owners who can show you what you should do next.
If you’re struggling to get your business past a milestone - you need access to business owners who’ve taken their business to $1M/year in sales to $50M/year in sales.
If you’re ready to exit your business - you need to be around people who have exited and entered numerous businesses. Join us.