Patience Pays More
"Patience is not about waiting, but how we act when things take longer than we expect." — Paulo Coelho
In today's edition of Burke's Bits:
Patience Is About Getting Things Done
Copy tip -
Random Thought of the Day
From the Research Files
Pun of the Day
Patience Is About Getting Things Done
It's not the waiting for something to happen.
It's not the ‘calm before the storm'.
For me it's about how I am acting before the final outcome is revealed or occurs.
Impatience is: tapping my foot while in line at the store.
Patience is: standing still knowing that I will end up at the cashier when my turn comes.
Impatience is: wanting $5,000/month income...right now....without doing the work.
Patience is: doing the work all the while knowing that it will pay off to $5,000/month … and more because the work was done with care.
When I get impatient it means I don't trust the process of daily life...of running a business.
Can you see that it all begins with me?
Am I willing to do the work and be patient – because I know the payoff will happen?
I answer a resounding “YES”.
In the beginning I had successful people show me how they did it. I trusted that their process worked because the evidence of their success was in front of me.
I learned the processes - I implemented the processes - I experienced the success.
Today I continue to implement the process because I want to grow, personally and professionally.
And the only way I can grow is for me to be an active participant in my own success and share what I know so others can achieve their success.
Copy Tip
Which works best - short copy or long copy?
A better question is: what type of buyer are you targeting?
There are 2 kinds of buyers.
The Impulsive Buyer
This is the guy with “places to go and people to see” and not a whole lot of time to do it in.
Typically he’ll skim the headlines and subheadlines ... glance at the photos and captions ... and make a snap decision.
The Analytical Buyer
This is the gal who believes the proof is in the details.
She’ll read everything - including the fine print at the very bottom.
It stands to reason that successful copy will address the needs of both buyers - regardless of length.
So what are you to do? How to you write copy for both buyers?
How to reach the Impulsive Buyer
Use attention getting headlines and subheadlines.
Use graphics and colors to enhance your message
Varying fonts and font sizes
Use Bold Headlines
Highlight with shaded areas or bullets
How to reach the Analytic Buyer
Use the attention getting headlines and subheadlines for the impulsive buyer...
now add the detailed information in the paragraphs.
How do you know you've done it right?
Read - out loud - only your headline and subheadlines.
Do they keep you reading and tell you the benefits of the product?
Or did you stop at subheadline 3 and say ... well that's just nonsense!
Rewrite as needed ... you want the skimmer to get the gist of benefits of the product.
Then rewrite the details and read them. Do they support the subheadlines?
Still not sure? Have someone else read only the headline and subheadlines. Then ask what they just read.
You know it's a winner if they say they understand what the product is and what it does...even better is if they ask where they can purchase it.
Random Thought of the Day
On Facebook:
I've seen a few posts from people who talk of the rampant hate and slurs and comments in the groups they belong to - groups ranging from Knitting to Beading to Sewing to Cooking to Dog Lovers and more.
I've not seen a single hate comment or slur in the many, many groups I'm in...
Nor have I removed a hate comment or slur in the 10+ groups I manage - because none have been made.
Is it possible that the people saying they're seeing slurs and hate comments are actually seeing discussion and reading it through a biased perspective?
Is it possible they’re looking for hate? Looking for slurs?
Is it possible the admins of groups have been extremely busy with deleting comments and can't keep up?
The groups I'm in have membership numbers ranging from 50 to 300,000. The purpose of each group ranges from entrepreneurship to Star Trek, from copywriters to product creators, and many odd ball groups in between.
I think we see what we want to see. It’s a reflection of the world we’re exposed to - the news…the people we talk to…the books we read…the entertainment we participate in…the sermons we hear at church.
I also think that we can decide to look for something different.
If all we see is hate - we can decide we will look for kindness. If all we see is anger - we can decide to look for compassion.
A few years ago, a friend of mine, Barb Ling, and I decided we were tired of the negativity on Facebook. Tired of the anger. Tired of the name calling.
So we made the decision to find and share good stories with each other. We intentionally seek out stories about people doing good things. When we find an article or a video or a blog post we share it on Facebook and tag each other.
This simple change made a big difference in how I felt when I was on Facebook. From what she tells me, it’s helped her too.
Yes, we still do this. Just not as often. I’d like to think it’s because our efforts made a difference to our connections because we’re not seeing the negativity and name calling like we used to.
From The Research Files
aka random bits of info you may or may not be able to use in your life
Microwave Oven Trap
Cooking chicken in the microwave won’t kill harmful salmonella and other bacteria.
Reason: Microwave ovens can cook food unevenly and leave “cold spots”, where harmful bacteria can survive.
Solution: Cook chicken in a conventional oven at 350F until the meat thermometer registers 165F in both the breast and thigh areas or until the juices run clear.
Pun of the Day
I started reading a book about anti-gravity. It’s impossible to put down.
With Gratitude --
Charlene Burke
“I learned very early the difference between knowing the name of something and knowing something.”
― Richard P. Feynman