Oh That Darned Self Talk!
and Authenticity in the Age of AI - Why Staying Real Matters More Than Ever
In today’s edition of Burke’s Bits:
Self Care Mindset
A Marketing Tip
From the Research Files
Pun of the Day
Something’s been on my mind lately - how we talk to ourselves. You know, that little voice in your head that's always judging and criticizing? Yeah, that one.
It’s been on my mind because I write a weekly newsletter that focuses on Self Care. And this week I realized something. It’s been a while since I took a look at my own thinking.
Up until January 26, my mind had been occupied with details related to Email Skills Summit, design and copy and product searching for my new ecommerce venture, and helping to care for my mother who was dying from lung cancer. Mom passed away on January 26. If you’re curious, you can read the obituary I wrote here: Suzanne, my mother.
Anyway, after looking at my own thinking I thought I’d share how important our self talk is. It has a huge impact on our mindset. If it's constantly negative, we tend to feel pretty crappy overall. But if we show ourselves some love and compassion, it can work wonders!
Now I'm not saying we need to be 100% positive all the time. That's just not realistic. Sometimes life hands us lemons and we have every right to be bummed about it. It was impossible for me to up and positive on a regular basis these past few months. But it was possible for me to not be completely negative all the time. What I'm talking about is just being a little kinder to ourselves on a regular basis.
For example, if you're having a bad hair day, instead of beating yourself up, try saying "It's just a hair day, I'm still cute!" See what I mean? Small shifts like that can really lift your spirits.
For something a bit more serious, like you’re having a day when nothing you touch is going right, try saying “Well, go figure, guess it’s my turn for this nonsense. Thank goodness it’s temporary!”
Here are a few tips that have helped me improve my self-talk game:
Be grateful for the good stuff. Appreciate your sense of humor, intelligence, skills, etc. Focus on what you love about yourself.
Figure out what triggers the negative talk. For me, it's comparing my life to others on social media. Knowing your triggers helps you avoid falling into unhealthy thought patterns.
Practice makes perfect. Make a list of your best qualities and hype yourself up! It might feel silly at first but the more you build yourself up, the more you'll believe it.
Use positive affirmations. Write them down, put them on post-its around your space, whatever works. Let those encouraging words seep into your mind.
The goal here isn't to be crazy optimistic all the time. It's to show yourself a little grace and recognize how amazing you are, even when life gets messy. You deserve to be your own cheerleader!
Let me know if you give any of these tips a try. I'd love to hear how it goes! Sending you all the good vibes.
A Marketing Tip
Be authentic. Be geniune. Be real.
The world where your leads, prospects, and customers live is now being inundated with Artificial Intelligence devices...AI generated content including email, articles, video, customer service/answering voices, and phone calls. Yes, the robocalls you've been avoiding have been using AI generated voices.
I know because I'm seeing it unfold daily with my own markets and within my networks.
Recently I used an AI program to create a professional headshot of me. I uploaded 2 images that clearly showed my face and hair and it created a unique image. I posted it on Facebook and clearly labeled it as an AI generated image. I also mentioned that in that image my eyes weren't blue and I liked the hair and eyeglasses.
I had 42 responses - from my network - and all were positive. They loved the image. Many who don't know said they thought it looked just like me (not) and many who do know me said they could see how the AI came up with it ... but they liked the real me better (I feel the same way).
What this little experiment told me is that I need to be intentional with my "realness" and "genuineness" while I'm on social media. So those who don't know me well can recognize when AI is happening and it's Me happening.
You can do this, too. Be intentional with your realness - show them through your actions and your unique voice...written and audio.
As people begin to distrust what they see and ignore the fake...you will rise to the top and reap the reward of increased revenue and new customers.
From the Research Files
aka random bits of info you may or may not be able to use in your life
The fear of having no cell phone signal or otherwise being unable to make or receive cell phone calls is called Nomophobia. So now you know you're a Nomophobic if you experience panic of wondering where your phone is or the loss of signal.
Pun of the Day
This past week I made a couple bucks selling fake eclipse glasses.
I'm not to worried though, those suckers will never see me again.
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With Gratitude,
Charlene Burke
PS Yes I did renew that membership! With Titans Xcelerator Mastermind. It’s a group owned and led by Brian Kurtz, former Executive Vice President of Boardroom Inc. and Founder of Titans Marketing - a direct marketing education company. For nearly 40 years, he’s been fortunate to know and work with some of the greatest direct response marketers who ever lived. And he shares that knowledge with the business owners and copywriters in the mastermind.
It’s an affordable (incredibly affordable considering the value I get every week I’m on a call with him and the experts he brings in to share with us)…option for business owners and copywriters who are struggling to grow.
If you’re new to business - you need to be surrounded by business owners who can show you what you should do next.
If you’re struggling to get your business past a milestone - you need access to business owners who’ve taken their business to $1M/year in sales to $50M/year in sales.
If you’re ready to exit your business - you need to be around people who have exited and entered numerous businesses. Join us.